Tomato - Pineapple Gazpacho

Maha'ulepu Heritage Trail, Kauai HI

Maha'ulepu Heritage Trail and Beach, Kauai HI

2 ¼ c. diced fresh ripe pineapple, with juice
2 c. cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced
1 ½ c. Bloody Mary mix
1 tsp. Worchestershire sauce
1 T. lime juice
1 drop lime oil
¼ tsp. red Hawaiian salt

If using whole pineapple, remove skin, eyes, both ends and core. Cut remainder into coarse chunks. Place pineapple and cucumber in a food processor and reduce to pulp.  Decant into a bowl and stir in other ingredients.  Chill at least two hours.    Serve with taro chips.

Makes 4 – 6 servings


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